021 510 23 46 info@hypo21.ch

Alternative models

The classic loan model is not suitable for all buyers. Your professional activity requires changing places often ? You might be reselling your property in the short term ? You’d like your mortgage provider to be as flexible as possible ? Alternative loan models might spike your interest then.




No early termination fees model

Almost all mortgage loan contracts stipulate that if you sell your property before the end of the contract, early termination fees will apply. This usually equal the interests that should have been paid up until then end of the contract, plus a few administrative fees. This can often cost sellers thousands or even ten of thousands CHF. Fortunately, we have partners that do not charge an early termination fees.


Early refinancing

For exemple, you are 5 years away from your mortgage loan term and fear that the mortgage interest will be high when refinancing ? A few mortgage providers will offer the option to refinance at any moment during the mortgage contract.


Adjustable early termination fees

Few mortgage providers will, depending on the state of mortgage rates on the market, cancel the early termination fees if they can reinvest your mortgage with the same or better terms.


Down payment done through pension funds (LPP)

You do not have sufficient cash at your disposal for the down payment according to the ASB guidelines (see : Down payment) ? A few of our partners will agree to give you a loan even if your down payment is solely done through your pension fund (LPP).


Down payment less than 20%

Your income allows you to obtain a certain mortgage loan amount, but you are missing assets to come up with the minimum down payment required by the ASB guidelines ? Few of our partners will agree to give you a loan with a down payment representing as little as 10% of the purchase price (closing costs not included).


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