Estimate your purchase potential as well as your monthly budget:
For a personalized quote, please contact us.
Votre prix d'achat (CHF)
Revenus annuels bruts (CHF)
Fonds propres (CHF)
Félicitations, nous pourrons négocier de très bonnes conditions !
En , vous économisez
Charge hypothécaire mensuelle
300 CHF
Amortissement mensuel
300 CHF
Coût de l'entretien
300 CHF
Total Mensuel
300 CHF
Charge hypothécaire mensuelle
300 CHF
Amortissement mensuel
300 CHF
Coût de l'entretien
300 CHF
Total Mensuel
300 CHF
To be accurate, it will be necessary to take into consideration the tax impact on your monthly budget. During the first meeting, our advisors will estimate this impact, and will also present to you the tools you can use to be as tax efficient as possible.